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Urgent Appeal update

The blockages have been cleared and the collapsed section of the land drain has been replaced from between the end of the bottom tracks up to the connection at the gateway into Telegraph Road. A new section of land drain has been laid on a new bed with new protective concrete cover and the trench backfilled.

A new manhole inspection chamber has also been installed over the main land drain and with connections to smaller land drainage discovered nearby. The whole area is now being stoned up, compacted, levelled and the spoil is being removed so we can remove the temporary fencing in readiness for the weekend’s rugby.

We are indebted to Trustland Construction Ltd & their groundworkers who responded immediately to our appeal for help. They have worked throughout the week and done a superb job !

The efforts on the ground have been brilliantly coordinated by Phil Wylie with the support of our LOSW volunteers who got stuck in as enthusiastically as ever, in addition to their weekly tasks preparing the pitches and maintaining the grounds.

Many thanks to everyone involved for all your time and dedication.         

A huge thank you to everyone who has generously donated so far, we really appreciate your support.

We are now half way to raising the money needed to cover the expected costs of up to £10,000.

So if you can spare anything, please make donations to the Caldy Sports Field Trust so that we can take advantage of Gift Aid tax relief. If as many of you can contribute a small amount, we will be able to raise the remainder of the funds needed.

To donate :
Please pay by bank transfer to:
Business account name : Caldy Sports Field Trust
Sort code : 40-29-08
Account no : 74052870
Reference : Urgent Appeal

plus claim Gift Aid :
In order for the Trust to claim Gift Aid tax relief on your donation please also complete the Trust Gift Aid form below

to fill out & return by email to Paul Grandy – [email protected].
This is only necessary for those who have not previously donated to the Caldy Sports Field Trust. 

Many thanks again for your generosity.

Thanks to you and your continued support we can now look forward to a bumper weekend of rugby at Paton Field !  

Mark Loughran
Chairman – Caldy Rugby Club
Chairman – Caldy Sports Club

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