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Keeping our players SAFE!!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Caldy Rugby Club alongside England Rugby would like to remind all parents/coaches/players the protocol regarding concussion.

Concussion is taken seriously by the club and we are constantly working with the local RFU development staff to keep our players safe.

Player Welfare is and should be at the heart of everything we do within our sport. With this in mind, we would like to remind you all about the RFU concussion protocol.

If we suspect a child has had a bang to the head the protocol is to remove them from the game/training session immediately.  In ALL cases it is recommended that the player is referred to a medical or healthcare professional for diagnosis and advice.

If diagnosed with concussion, there are 2 weeks’ relative rest. The earliest return to play is 23 days. There are stages in between returning to play so please look at the attached “Return to Play” programme. (more on the RTP can be found here – )

After concussion the brain needs to rest, so initially the player should rest from all physical and brain activities such as; exercise, reading, television, computer, video games, and smartphones. Sleep is good for recovery.

With this in mind, Caldy Rugby Club would like all parents and coaches to take the RFU online concussion module if you have not done this since September 2019.

There are separate modules for specific for parents and coaches which can be found here by clicking here –

If you would like this recording against your GMS profile, please log in to the system before completing this. Your username to log in can be found in the footer of this email.

Please keep a copy of your certificate as this is your evidence you have completed this.

Also, please find attached local free CPD which the RFU runs to help prevent concussion/match injuries taking place at Wirral Rugby Club on Wednesday.

If you require any further information on this please contact RFU Rugby Development Officer Andrew Soutar – [email protected]

Caldy Rugby Club


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